Dermal Fillers (Katy’s Korner)

Usually thought of as a treatment for older women trying to attain a more youthful appearance, dermal fillers have grown in popularity with younger ladies for other reasons as well. They can soften emerging fine lines, plump up the lips and cheekbones, and balance out facial features. For example, if you have a larger nose and a smaller chin, getting injections in your chin can increase your chin size and actually make your profile look much more even. You can take to the web for some awesome before and after pictures.

Dermal fillers are great for improving on small imperfections and can give you a noticeable enhancement that still looks natural. Though dermal fillers may sound like a great way to get fast aesthetic results, there are a few negatives.

1. The results are not permanent; this can be both a good and a bad thing. Judging by all the selfies, Kylie Jenner is obviously in love with her dermal-filled smile, but a few years ago Jessica Simpson tried Restylane injections in her lips and reportedly hated them! Most injectable fillers will last about six months to a year depending on your body chemistry and where you get them.

2. They hurt. Though you can be given numbing cream or a mild anesthesia (with an added price tag), you will likely still feel something. The lips are among the most common areas women complain about hurting while receiving cosmetic injections. Most of the time the administrator will apply numbing cream to the lips before the procedure, but with so many nerve endings and blood vessels around the mouth, there can still be pain.

3. They’re pricey. Though not nearly as expensive as cosmetic surgery, dermal fillers will range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Juvederm is one of the most popular fillers used in med spas today and one syringe will typically cost between $450 to $650 and one syringe is the average amount used per lip enhancement session. The results generally last around 6-8 months, so if you continue to fill them it can be very costly over a lifetime.

4. You may not achieve the look you want…or worse. Not everyone is satisfied with the end result and may think it is either too drastic or not remarkable enough for the price and discomfort. Even though any reputable facility will be using one or more of the many FDA-approved injectables on the market, rarely unfavorable outcomes have been reported. Sometimes redness and swelling can appear at the injection site and may last for a few days or weeks. For some types of injectables, you are required to go for allergy testing before having the actual procedure. Also, unwanted lumps and discoloration can occur and be temporary or long-lasting. As with any procedure that breaks the skin, there is a possibility of infection. Even though the likelihood of a bad reaction is very slim, it can happen and it is something to consider.

If you’ve met with a licensed professional to weigh the risk versus reward and feel comfortable with proceeding, you still need to ask yourself “Why do I want to have this done?”

If your reason is to look like a celebrity- don’t do it! The results will most likely be impossible to achieve. We all have our own unique features that can be enhanced but not fully remade. If your reason is to make you happy because you’re depressed- don’t do it! Happiness comes from within, and a temporary external improvement will not fix an internal problem. The only good reason for considering dermal injections (or any cosmetic procedure) is that you are already content with yourself and just want a subtle improvement in your outward appearance.

If you’ve given careful consideration and dermal fillers seem like the right choice for you, we wish you luck and the best of results! – Katy

Author: PrettyLady

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