Permanent Makeup to Make You Pretty (Katy’s Korner)

Permanent makeup is a growing trend in the beauty world. Before booking a procedure, it’s in your best interest to spend some time thinking about the consequences of having it done since permanent makeup obviously can’t be easily removed.

Though the plastic surgeons who perform the procedure typically don’t like to refer to permanent makeup as tattoos, it really is the same concept as getting a tattoo. In fact, some specialists are tattoo artists. At a consultation, the trained specialist will talk to you about what to expect and will help you pick out a color and pattern of your choice. Then when you arrive for the procedure, she will cleanse and sanitize your face. Next, she will apply numbing cream (most recipients report no pain at all) and begin stenciling where the ink-filled needles are going to go. In the final step, she’ll follow guidelines and tattoo the appropriate areas. Most of the time she will want you to be awake for the procedure.

Permanent makeup could be a great choice if you spend a lot of time trying to achieve a similar day to day look. If you have very thin, patchy eyebrows that you fill in with a pencil or gel daily, the process can be tedious. Making sure both eyebrows are penciled in symmetrically and not too thick or too thin is definitely a chore and chances are the look you leave the house with is pretty, but not very natural-looking. If you’ve been wearing eyeliner since you were twelve and never leave the house without it, chances are twenty years from now you’ll still be doing the same thing. If your make up routine never changes, permanent makeup could be something to consider if you can afford it.

It’s advisable that if you decide permanent makeup is right for you, that you choose options that are natural. Times change and so might your taste in beauty. The blue glittery eyeshadow you wore in high school probably isn’t the look you wear to work today. You may like having Gwen Stefani’s bold red lips now, but will you ten years from now? Remember you can always add on to your permanent makeup, it’s the getting rid of it that could be problematic.

Depending on what you want done, permanent makeup may not be right for you if you enjoy the “natural look” a lot of the time. Though permanent eyeliner can be easily covered up with concealer, permanent lipstick and eyebrows can make it very hard to achieve a fresh-faced look. Usually, eyebrows are naturally thick, but you can still see some skin in between the hairs, permanent makeup fills in the entire brow, and while the results are lovely, they are obviously not a look you’re born with.

The permanently applied blush for the cheekbones is also something that is effortlessly covered up with a dab of foundation or concealer. The lips are hard to conceal, even by applying a lighter shade of lipstick. If you have very pale, skin-colored lips and you choose to get your lips tattooed with color, its recommended to go for just a couple shades darker than your natural lip color.

Just like getting a tattoo, it’s crucial that you spend time weighing the pros and cons of having it done before jumping in. Your face is the first thing you see in the mirror and the foremost thing people notice about you. You want to be sure you’ll be happy with your appearance for years to come.  – Katy

Author: PrettyLady

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